Conceptos actuales sobre su manejo | 15 NOV 06

Síndrome de anticuerpos antifosfolípidos

Los pacientes con síndrome antifosfolípidos pueden sufrir trombosis recurrentes muy difíciles de manejar. Se afirma que la anticoagulación intensiva con warfarina no es mejor que el tratamiento estándar
INDICE:  1. Desarrollo | 2. Desarrollo | 3. Desarrollo

1. Hughes GRV. Hughes Syndrome: A Patient’s Guide. London, New York: Springer; 2001.
2. Wilson WA, Gharavi AE, Koike T, et al. International consensus statement on preliminary classification criteria for definite antiphospholipid syndrome: report of an international workshop. Arthritis Rheum 1999;42:1309–1311.
3. Favaloro EJ, Silvestrini R. Assessing the usefulness of anticardiolipin antibody assays: a cautious  approach is suggested by high variation and limited consensus in multilaboratory testing. Am J Clin Pathol 2002; 118:548–557.
4. Brandt JT, Triplett DA, Alving B, Scharrer I. Criteria for the diagnosis of lupus anticoagulants: an update. On behalf of the Subcommittee on Lupus Anticoagulant/Antiphospholipid Antibody of the Scientific and Standardisation Committee of the ISTH. Thromb Haemost 1995;74:1185–1190.
5. Levine SR, Brey RL, Tilley BC, et al. Antiphospholipid antibodies and subsequent thrombo-occlusive events in patients with ischemic stroke. JAMA 2004; 291:576–584.
6. Sherer Y, Shoenfeld Y. Antiphospholipid syndrome: insights from animal models. Curr Opin Hem



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