Vida, entropía y complejidad | 17 OCT 17

La medicina “al borde del caos”

Este artículo desarrolla conceptos que no son familiares a los profesionales de la salud, a fin de que sean pensados y aprehendidos
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3. Gayon J. Defining Life: Synthesis and Conclusions. Orig Life Evol Biosph 2010; 40: 231-44.

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23. Macklem PT. Is cell and molecular biology divorcing from clinical practice? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167: 1164-5.

24. Macklem PT. Viewpoint: Emergent phenomena and the secrets of life. J Appl Physiol 2008; 104: 1844-6.

25. Macklem PT, Seely A. Towards a definition of life. Perspect Biol Med 2010; 53: 330-40.

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