Nueva guía NICE para la atención primaria | 09 MAR 15

Síndrome del intestino irritable en adultos

Un trastorno gastrointestinal crónico con una prevalencia estimada de 10 a 20%. Afecta principalmente a personas de entre 20 a 30 años y es 2 veces más común entre mujeres que entre hombres.
Autor/a: Cheryl Hookway, technical analyst, Sara Buckner, technical analyst, Paul Crosland, health economist, Damien Longson, consultant liaison psychiatrist Irritable bowel syndrome in adults in primary care: summary of updated NICE guidance
INDICE:  1. Desarrollo | 2. Desarrollo
  1. NHS Choices. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 2015.
  2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Irritable bowel syndrome: diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome in primary care. (Clinical guideline 61.) 2015.
  3. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Ovarian cancer: the recognition and initial management of ovarian cancer. (Clinical guideline 122.) 2011.
  4. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Irritable bowel syndrome in adults: diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome in primary care. (Clinical guideline 61.) 2008.


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