Anestesia durante el embarazo | 06 NOV 02

Anestesia durante el embarazo - Parte II

En esta entrega nos referimos a la farmacología de los agentes utilizados en la analgesia/anestesia obstétrica y sus efectos materno-fetales.
INDICE:  1. Desarrollo | 2. Desarrollo | 3. Desarrollo
· Bader AM, Datta S, Arthur GR, Benvenuti E, Courtney M, Hauch M. Maternal and fetal catecholamines and uterine incision-to-delivery interval during elective cesarean section. Obstet Gynecol 1990;75:600-603.

· Celleno D, Capogna G, Tomassetti M, Costantino P, DiFeo G, Nisini R. Neurobehavioral effects of propofol on the neonate following elective caesarean section. Br J Anaesth 1989;62:649-654

· James CF, Gibbs CP, Banner TE. Postpartum perioperative risk of pulmonary aspiration. Abstracts of scientific papers, Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology. Vancouver: May, 1983

· Jones CM, Creiss FC. The effect of labor on maternal and fetal circulating catecholamines. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982;194:149-153

· Maltau JM, Eielsen OV, Stotcke KT. Effect of stress during labor on the concentration of cortisol and estriol in


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