Deterioro cognitivo | 19 FEB 21

Errores médicos asociados a largas horas de trabajo, fatiga y burnout

Después de una noche de sueño perdido, el rendimiento cognitivo puede disminuir un 25%
Autor/a: Matias Tonnelier 
INDICE:  1. Texto principal | 2. Referencias bibliográficas
Referencias bibliográficas
1- To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality
of Health Care in America Linda T. Kohn , Janet M. Corrigan , Molla S. Donaldson, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000. PMID: 25077248 Bookshelf ID: NBK225182 DOI: 10.17226/9728

2- Chapter 46. Fatigue, Sleepiness, and Medical Errors Making Health Care Safer: A CriticalAnalysis
of Patient Safet y Practices AHRQ Publication 01-E058July 20, 2001 (Revised printing, indexed)

3- Committee on Patient Safety This document reflects emerging concepts on patient safety and is subject to change. The information should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure to be followed. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists COMMITTEE OPINION Number 519 • March 2012 Committee on Patient Safety

4 . Patrick GT, Gilbert JA. Sobre los efectos de la pérdida de sueño . Psychol Rev 1896; 3: 469–83
5 . Lockley SW, Barger LK, Ayas RT, et al, Harvard Work Hours, Health and Safety Group. Effects of health care provider work hours and sleep deprivation on safety and performance . Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2007;33(suppl 11):7–18.

6 . Impact of fatigue and insufficient sleep on physician and patient outcomes: a systematic review Michelle Gates,1 Aireen Wingert,1 Robin Featherstone,1 Charles Samuels,2 Christopher Simon,3 Michele P Dyson

7 . Impact of Extended-Duration Shifts on Medical Errors, Adverse Events, and Attentional Failures Laura K. Barger1,2, Najib T. Ayas3,4,5, Brian E. Cade1 , John W. Cronin1,2, Bernard Rosne


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